Star Trek Serial Online Subtitrat Gratis
People that watch science fiction seem to forget that Star Trek: The Next Generation was filmed from 1987 to 1994, and that it accomplished the breakthrough technical wizardry we now see in other sci-fi movies and television shows. Belajar membaca anak tk gratis. It was Star Trek: The Next Generation (STTNG) that accomplished the 'orange screen', reducing by 2/3 the cost of shooting space sequences.
It was STTNG that finally allowed for a very advanced and yet BELIEVABLE 'evolved' human behavior involved in space travel. I admired Captain Jean-Luc Picard for his reserved Brit style, and the tension between him and Dr. Beverly Crusher. Who did not like watching Lieutenant Commander Data and Lieutenant Geordi LaForge spar over human behavior? What about the short brilliant life of Lieutenant Natasha Yar?

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Who didn't tune in to see that? Commander William Riker was amazing to watch, as he grew a beard and a conscience - while still being able to keep up with the great Lieutenant Worf, the only Klingon (as yet) in Star Fleet!?
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Those of you out there trying still to wage the Star Wars - Star Trek battle for supremacy - grow up! They are both inspiring stories in different universes.