Free Gaming Ladder Script Php Aplikasi
Let me introduce myself.I'm steven 26 years old. I have only basic skills in php, mysql etc.
I learned it when I was a kid 11 years ago trying to set up clanwebsites. I've allways used open sources like phpnuke, Nuked-Klan, Joomla, Wordpres, e107,phpBB.But I love the designing part of making a website. I kinda left it there and started working and have alot other things to do.But I allways wanted to sta&rt messing around making websites again, and today I finally got a desk to set up my computer:p One of my hobby's is playing xbox ONE like call of duty and so on.I am also a co leader in a starting clan. As our clan is growing and we learn to know other clans its starting to become a small community of gamers. Alot of them are not playing competitive but they want to!
So me and a couple friends came up with the idea to make our own gaming league website. And I'm going to even if I have to write down the scores myself! I have been looking on the internet for a good mod or addon to make the league. I prefer using an open source like phpbb or phpnuke for this.
I have found ALOT outdated scripts and mods. I's 2015!! Isn't there any decent gaming league script available for free yet? Like all the scripts and mod that I found are 2007 or earlyer and most of the time they stopped the project.
I wonder If I can get in touch with one of these retired sources and still use it. My plan B is to MAYBE look not for a gaming league but a sporting league and convert it. My other plan B is using ebattles for e107 I found this MOD for phpbb called first this one looks exactly like what I need!
Gaming Ladder Script
However.I tried to install it in a 100 different ways and I still didn't manage to get it work properly there is just something that I am doing wrong.I'm desperatly looking for a way to host a gaming league and I feel that I am so close to do it! I want to take this serious and really want to start something for my gaming community in a competitive way. (note: IF we would get donations on the website all earning would go towards improvement of the league. I noticed there are a couple paid scripts out there but I'm not willing to pay 120$ just yet.because I don't even know if its gonna work out:s I have spend like 16 hrs a day searching for a solution the last week.It's wrecking me:s This said You can ask me any questions you want, and I will reply as good as possible (sorry for my broken english) Also if anyone wants to be part of this starting community Letme know! You can contact me (call or msg) via skype: 'Steven Wizzed' or just reply here. Is there someone out there who has some knowledge about this topic?
Show me the way how to properly install phpRivalsMOD? Anyone who ever succeeded before?