Dragonrise Inc. Generic Usb Joystick Driver
I bought a pair of the above. I know what you're thinking 'these are generic Chinese made cheap crap' and you would be right but I would still like to get them working properly.
And I have had some success in that they show up when I use jstest-gtk and the responces shown in that interface are a good sign that these work to some extent. However, when I move the left stick to the left or right, the right stick also moves left and right respectively (up and down movement is unaffected). When I move the right stick up/down the left/right of the right stick are affected but not to exactly the same degree (the numbers marginally proportionately less relative to center.) All of this is with the Analog setting, otherwise the right stick maps to the x y a b or shape buttons. Also ABSX, ABSY is the left stick.
As per usual, but ABSZ and ABSRZ is the right stick, which is weird? I'm looking for some way to fix this and I have scoured the net but I don't really know what phrase to search with. I have tried combinations of gamepad, game controller, dragonrise inc.
Usb Joystick Driver
Candidate for Deletion This article may not be appropriate for this wiki, and may be deleted. With xserver-xorg-input-evdev 1:2.0.99+git20080912-0ubuntu6 now in intrepid-updates, all you need to do is update your system (just check the version of xserver-xorg-input-evdev if you joypad still doesn't work in Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid) amd64, and make sure you're not using joystick-calibrator, jscal or another program like that). The following is kept for reference. Please use this page to keep track of joystick models whose lshal output have already been provided. See if your joystick exact model is not listed below, then add it by editing this page. If the brand of your joystick isn't included, edit the page and add it in alphabetical order.
Once you manage to get a working fdi file for your joystick, please add it next to you model in the list (look at the fdi file for the Sony Dual Shock 3 to see how you can add it to the page. To upload the file, click. To enable your joystick in Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex, copy the fdi file for your joystick model in /etc/hal/fdi/policy/: Launch a terminal and copy the file 10-wacom.fdi: sudo cp YOURJOYSTICK.fdi /etc/hal/fdi/policy/. Creating a new.fdi file is a simple matter of finding out the name of the device via lshal and then inserting it below instead of 'Microsoft X-Box 360 pad':. Belkin. Nostromo Speedpad n50 CH Products.
Dragonrise Inc. Generic Usb Joystick Driver
Fujitel FJX-2140 ( Inc.