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Memang benar jika banyak temen-temen mahasiswa jurusan bahasa inggris sedikit agak bingung dalam menyusun skripsi bahasa inggris. Bukan hanya skripsi tapi juga proposal skripsi bahasa inggris. Kebingungan ini sebenarnya disebabkan oleh banyak faktor. Diantara ftor tersebut yang pertaman adalah kendala bahasa. Karena dalam menyusun proposal skripsi bahasa inggris kita harus membuat proposal dalam bahasa inggris. Meskipun kita kuliah jurusan bahasa inggris, bahasa inggris tetap bukan bahasa sehari-hari kita sehingga tetap saja kita masih sedikit berfikir tentang penukisan yang benar dalam bahasa inggris.

Kendala berikutnya adalah menentukan judul dan menyusun proposal skripsi itu sendiri. Jadi bisa dimaklumi bila temen-temen mahasiswa bahasa inggris memiliki beban yang lebih dalam menyusun skripsi atau proposal skripsi bahasa inggris bila dibanding mahasiswa jurusan lainnya.

Baiklah berikut ini adalah Contoh Proposal Skripsi Bahasa Inggris Bisa Langsung Dipakai yang saya sajikan untuk temen-temen semua. In order to clarify the key terms used in this study, some definitions are put forward. Think-aloud have been described as 'eavesdropping on someone's thinking.' With this strategy, teachers verbalize aloud while reading a selection orally. Their verbalizations include describing things they're doing as they read to monitor their comprehension.

The purpose of the think-aloud strategy is to model for students how skilled readers construct meaning from a text. The think-aloud strategy asks students to say out loud what they are thinking about when reading, solving math problems, or simply responding to questions posed by teachers or other students. Reading is a kind of activity in translating written symbols into corresponding sound. Reading skills enable readers to turn writing into meaning and achieve the goals of independence, comprehension, and fluency.

In this research, it was decided to implement the think-aloud strategy because it was used as an instructional approach, and also because this strategy helped readers to comprehend more easily what was being read by them. Afflerbach and Johnston cited by McKeown and Gentilucci (2007), claim that think-aloud serves firstly as a method of measuring the cognitive reading process, then as metacognitive tool to monitor comprehension.

In that sense, the think aloud is appropriate for this study because through this strategy the students can monitor their comprehension process. Another definition of this strategy is provided by Pressley et al. In McKeown and Gentilucci’s (2007) work: “think-aloud is one of the 'transactional strategies' because it is a joint process of teachers and students working together to construct understandings of text as they interact with it” (p. Through the interactions that think aloud promotes, a better understanding of the texts may emerge in the classroom. Think aloud is also a process in which readers report their thoughts while reading (Wade 1990).

Contoh Judul Skripsi Kualitatif

It helps students to reflect upon their own reading process. Reading in the foreign language consists of grasping meaning in the written language.

In this case, reading foreign language is the grasping of full linguistics meaning of what is to read in subject within the common experience of the culture of which the language is a central part. He further maintains that linguistics means to include the denotation conveyed by language to all speakers of it is as opposed to meaning that are receptive only by those have specific background information not known by the other speakers in general. In other word, there are some purposes of reading such as reading for specific items of information, for general and detail information in a given field, etc. Other types of reading, for example readings for literary appreciation are properly the real of reading in the native language.

There must be question on the text, this essential. The questions are to help the pupils understanding every detail on the passage, for example, the passage is about “hide and seek”.

It means that the questions on the passage are able to facilitate the pupils understanding of the passage; the children are playing hide and seek in the playground, and the question are (1) who is playing hide and seek in the playground? (2) What are the children playing in the playground? (3) What are they doing in the playground and where are they playing hide and seek? (a) reading is not a single skill but an interrelated process of many skill, (b) reading is development process, in other words, reading comprehension develops sequentially as pupils nature, (c) there are developmental pattern from grade to grade and from year to year, but wide variations in reading ability exist among pupils in any grade or of any age, and (d) there are no basic reading comprehension which can be taught or learned once or for all, they are merely simpler or more difficult levels of reading proficiencies, which can be taught to pupils who are ready to learn. Both views are non-productive at best and the worst seriously impede progress. Furthermore, the effort has been to create a model of the reading process powerful enough to explain and predicate reading behavior and sound enough to be a base on which to build and examine the effectiveness of reading instruction.

Contoh Judul Penelitian Kualitatif

This model has been developed using the concepts, scientific methodology, and terminology of psycholinguistics, the interdisciplinary science that is concerned with how thought and language are interrelated. Firstly, intensive reading is reading activity that is being related to further progress in language learning under the teacher guidance. In this type of reading, control from a teacher is compulsory and it will provide a basis for elucidation of difficulties of structure, and for the extension of vocabulary. To the same extent, Finnonchiro (1983) also glanced that the intensive reading when the student’s attention should be focused on all expression, nations sound, structure and cultural allusions will be unfamiliar to them in passage. Secondly, extensive reading is developed at the student’s own pace according to his individual ability (Rivers, 1968 and Suhirman, 2002). In this extent, the activity is not completely controlled by the teacher. The students have learner to read without the teacher’s role.

The extensive reading activity is mostly concerned with the purpose of training students to read directly and fluently by his/her own employment, without the aid of the teacher. Structures in the test will be already familiar to him and new vocabulary will be introduced slowly in such a way that its meaning can be deduced from the context.

From linguistics point of views, reading is recording and decoding process. Not like speaking which just involves an encoding process reading applies decoding process by which a reader must grasp and guess the meaning of written words used in writing scripts, reading the symbols to the oral language meaning (Anderson in Tarigan (1991) and Suhirman (2002)). In short, reading can be defined as “bringing meaning to and get meaning from points or written materials” (Finnochiro and Banama in Tarigan, 1987, and Suhirman, 2002). It is true by reading people get to know the other people scientific achievement, or some happening in other region of the country. Through reading we can improve our skill and enlarge our human development achievement.

According to Sheng (2003) reading comprehension questions measure student’s ability to read with understanding, insight and discrimination. This type of question explores the ability to analyze a written passage from several perspectives, including student’s ability to recognize both explicitly stated elements in the passage and assumptions underlying statements or arguments in the passage as well as the implications of those statements or arguments. Because the written passage upon which the questions are based presents a sustained discussion of a particular topic. Along with Godman’s idea, Ommagio (1986) also maintains that the efficient language users will take the most direct routine to their goal comprehension. He describes reading as a sampling process in which readers predict structures.

Clearly, Ommagio (1996) included as in the comprehension process all three types of background knowledge: comprehenders make use not only of the linguistic information of the text, but also of their knowledge of the world and their understanding of discourse structure to make sense out the passage. In line with the above statement, as Ommagio (1986) cited from Kolers (1973) also maintains that reading is only incidently visual. Thus, the reader then contributes more information by the print on the page.

As the comparison of this research, here are some researches of The Effect Think Aloud Strategy Toward Students Reading Skill. The first researcher is Alexander Moreno cardenas ( 2009 ) with title “The Impact Of The Think-Aloud Strategy In The English Reading Comprehension Of Efl 10th Graders, he found that the students increased their engagement in the activities because of the think-aloud strategy. Through the use this strategy they could interact and construct meaning from the texts at once when they developed the reading tasks. Second, it is important to highlight that the role of the teacher as a guide was crucial in think-alouds because he could assist and foster students to use reading strategies such as predicting, visualizing, and prior knowledge in order to comprehend the reading texts. Being the teacher’s role only as a guide, students then are the main protagonists of the reading process. Third, another positive impact of the think-aloud strategy, is that students constantly mentioned that they had an enhancement in some specific aspects of English language such as: pronunciation, vocabulary, and listening skill.

By teaching four language skill in interactively, that is involves reading, listening, speaking and writing. In this case is limited for the reading skills itself to involve the pupils in learning activities i.e.; (1) To expands the pupils knowledge and art; (2) to motivates the student to be a good personality in their country; (3) to expands the pupils social intercourse.

So that in this case, the ability of the pupils will be increased by using textbook with are published by Depdikbud (Government) and Yudistira (Private Publishing Company). The recent study was an experimental research to find out the result of a certain technique. According to hadi (1988: 56) that is an experimental design is one of the precise methods to examine the cause and effect because of the fact, instruction toward a group and experimental sample. The instructional activity was designed only to teach reading skill students by using Think aloud strategy as a techniques toward the experimental group, the group of sample would have test to measure the effect that students get after treatment. The result of the test would be analyzed and compare using statistical computation. This research design will present several characteristics; (1) it has two groups of experimental subjects or treatment group and control group; (2) the two groups compared with respect two measurements of observation on the dependent variable; (3) both groups will be measured twice, the first measurement serve as the pre-test and the second as the post-test; (4) measurement on the dependent variable for both groups will be done at the same time with the same test; and (5) the experimental group manipulated with particular treatment.

Population is represent entire/all subject research. Nawawi ( 2003) in Iskandar ( 2009: 118) population is grand total of subject research which can be consisted of by the human being, object, animal, flora, symptom, assess the test or event as data source owning certain characteristic in a research. While according to Sudjana ( 2005: 74) population is totality of all value which possible, result of counting/calculating or measurement, quantitative and also qualitative hit the certain characteristic from all clear and complete corps member is which wish learned by the nature.

Related to the research problems, the writer used reading test as an instrument. Ary (1979: 216) states that a test is a set of stimuli present to an individual in order to elicit responses on the basic of which a numerical score can be designed. Moreover, Heaton (1975: 89) states that the test used must be appropriate in term of our object, the dependable in the evidence provides, and applicable to our particular situation. In this case, the researcher gave the students reading test in using Think aloud strategy. Arikunto, Suharsimi. Prosedur Penelitian.

Bandung: Bina Aksara. Bolgar, Robert Ralph.

Teaching Methods. England: Encyclopedia Compact Disk. Furchan, Arif. Pengantar Penelitian Dalam Pendidikan. Surabaya: Usaha Nasional. Grondund, NE. Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching.

New York: Macmillan Publishing Company. Hillerich, L. The Principal’s Guide to Improving Reading Instruction. USA: Bowling Green State University. English Competency of KMI Students of Pondok Modern Gontor (a thesis). Ponorogo: Islamic Studies of Darussalam Gontor.


Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. USA: Oxford University Press. Keraf, Gorys. Linguistik Bandingan Historis.

Speaking ability also becomes the main objective of language learning especially in senior high school in Indonesia. Students of senior high school are required to master speaking after graduating from their school in order to be able to communicate in English. According to KTSP (School Based Curriculum) of English for SMA, speaking must be taught to the students because it is one of language skill besides reading, listening and writing. Moreover students are expected to be able to communicate English well ( Depdiknas 2006: 305).

On the contrary, according to the writer’s experience when he was in senior high school, speaking is the most difficult part for the students when they learn English language. The writer finds out many students of senior high school still have difficulty in speaking English although they are supposed to master it after graduating from their schools in order to be able to communicate.

Although students have learned English for years, many of them are still incapable to use English orally. These may be caused by the limitation of opportunity to practice, lack of vocabulary, psychological factors which more concern to the fear of making mistakes when speaking English and also inappropriate method for the characteristic of the students. In order to be able to speak English well, students have to feel comfortable and confident in practicing their English. By feeling comfortable and confident, students will not fear of making mistakes when speaking English. But on the other hand, many students always feel uncomfortable, unconfident, and fear of making mistakes when speaking English.

This fear and uncomfortable feeling can be caused by the inappropriate method that used by the teacher. In fact, there are many teacher use inappropriate method in teaching speaking skill. They use teaching method that makes their students fell unsecure, under pressure, and fear of making mistakes. Therefore, English teacher should be able to encourage and motivate the students to learn the target language by using the appropriate method. They should use an appropriate method that makes their students fell comfortable, independent, autonomous, and responsible. The use of appropriate method can influence the students’ achievement in learning language, especially speaking skill in English. Anthony said that method is an overall plan for the orderly presentation of language material, no part of which contradict, and all of which is based upon, the selected approach.

An approach is axiomatic, a method is procedural (Anthony, 1963). It can be said that method is implementation of approach. Method is the level at which theory is put into practice and at which choices are made about the particular skill to be taught, the content to be taught, and the order in which the content will be presented. In Silent Way method, teaching learning is facilitated if the students learn based on the self-correction.

Therefore, this will make students independent, autonomous, and responsible. In this method, teachers have to make the students rely on themselves. The students can produce any sound and the teacher will never ask anybody else to do it for them. So, the students are hoped to be responsible for the words or utterances they are saying. Furthermore, in Silent Way the teacher functions as a guide, an organizer, a resource and as an evaluator ( Setiadi 2006: 76). This research will conduct at SMA N X Bandar Lampung.

The population of this research is the second year students of SMA N X Bandar Lampung. Since the research is a class room action research, the subject of this research is the second year students of SMA N X Bandar Lampung, and it will be focused on the implementation of silent way method in improving the students’ speaking ability. In this research, the writer does not intent to all aspects of speaking skill, but it is limited to the pronunciation, vocabulary, structure, and fluency. According to Webster Dictionary (1984:256) speaking is to utter words, to express thought by words, to utter speech, discourse, or argue, to talk, to make mention, to tell by writing, to communicate ideas in any matter.

Horn (1980:76) in Andriany (2004:7) implies speaking also means to use a language in ordinary, not in singing. Above theories emphasize that speaking is an effort to use language freely, being able to speak which puts more emphasis on interaction, communication and understanding each other. If it related to particular language, such as English, according to Ratih in Syakir (2002), speaking is the form of oral language that is inevitably used to communicate ideas and feelings, no matter what the language is. Meanwhile, Webster Dictionary (1986:2) defines ‘ability’ as a genetic word represents the term capacity, capability, intelligence, competence, mind power and others. It also relates to skill, knowledge to do something, proficiency, aptitude, faculty, expertise, talent, facility, qualification, and strength. Based on the definition above the writer define English speaking ability as an ability or skill that the learners have to communicate, to convey meaning, and to have a meaningful conversation in English.

English as the target language should be mastered well, either its language skill or language area. In acquiring second language, learners should be involved into a meaningful interaction of the target language that only found in natural communication. Learners learn to speak and concerned to the message that they are conveying and understanding. Ratih in Syakir 2002 explained that when people speak, they construct ideas in words, express their perception, their feelings and their intentions, so that interlocutors grasp meaning of what the speakers mean. If the learner does not have speaking skill, does not understand the English words that saying by the speaker, does not acknowledge the language, they cannot grasp meaning of the speaker’s mean.

In that condition, they cannot be said success in learning English, because they did not have a meaningful interaction of English conversation. So, for people who want to speak English well, besides learning the knowledge of the language, they need to practice it. Because it is impossible to be able speak English without practice it. The teacher functions as a guide, an organizer, a resource, and evaluator. In the role of guide, language teacher guides learners to learn the language units under consideration; hence, the teacher offers the learning materials to the learners and helps them to acquire the target language. In the role of organizer, language teacher organize classroom activities; the teacher predicts what will happen in the class so that he/ she can arrange activities which promote the learning processes the learners need. In the role of resource, the teacher function as a source of information about the subject; he/she is the one in the classroom whom the learners consult whenever they cannot solve their problem among themselves.

In the role of evaluator, language teacher judges whether the learners’ contributions to the learning process are valid, relevant and correct. In error correction, the evaluator judges whether the learners will be bale to figure out and produce the forms expected or not and how he/she will provide them with necessary help. The result of the judgment will serve as feedback for the teacher as a guide, resource, and organizer ( Setiadi 2006:76). In Silent Way learning is continuing and living process. It occurs on a continuum and leads towards mastery (Bambang Setiyadi, 1988:11). The idea is that the students know what they are doing, that they are not only saying something without being aware of what they are saying.

In order for them to be aware, the new material has to have relationship with the previous one so that students can easily make associations since the association process in a necessary part of learning. Thus, the teacher should build upon the learning process by adding one new segment of language to the previous one. In teaching speaking skill with silent way method, at the beginning of the stage teacher will model the appropriate sound after pointing to a symbol on a chart. Later, the teacher will silently point to individual symbols and combinations of symbols, and monitor students utterances.

The teacher may say a word and have a student to guess what sequence of symbols comprised the word. The pointer is used to indicate stress, phrasing, and intonation.

Stress can be shown by touching certain symbols more forcibly than others when pointing out a word. Intonation and phrasing can be demonstrated by tapping on the chart to the rhythm of the utterances (Richard and Rodgers, 1986:109-110 and 2001). After language learners able to produce the sounds of he target language, language teacher continues teaching the language by using rods and word charts. Or, language teacher may use other physical objects to conduct the teaching learning process, whose purpose is to make meaning perceptible through concrete objects or by representation of experience.

Related to the frame of theories above, the writer assumes that teaching speaking skill through silent way method has positive effect in improving the students’ speaking ability. Because this method encourages the students to be more active in producing as much language as possible.

It means that students will have a great chance to practice their English language orally as much as possible in order to improve their speaking ability. Then, a language teacher will encourage students to take a role in learning activities. The time of learning teaching interaction is given to students, not to the teacher. Pre test is administered before treatment is given to know how far the students speaking ability especially for the material will be taught by the writer in this research: pronoun “this” and ”that”, comparative degree, superlative degree, preposition ( under, in, on), and positive comparison before the teaching learning process. The test consists of oral test. The subjects are asked to give his/ her responses to the individual symbols and combination of symbols, and the writer will monitor the students’ utterances. The writer will say a word and have a student to guess what sequence of symbols comprised the word.

But before that, at the beginning of the stage, the writer will model the appropriate sound after pointing a symbol on the chart.