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Full text of ' BlogBooker Low resolution pictures From Blog to Book. BlogBook 2 ©2015 Contents 1 1999 1.1 February ICartoons (1999-4) US Economy paper (1999-02-19 20:39) Sherlock Holmes (1999-02-21 19:47) my own cultural identity. (1999-02-24 20:12) Bulbs (1999-02-26 20:28) Art is an manipulation of elements (1999-02-26 20:29) ICommericalizing Social Activity (1999-02-26 20:37) 1.2 June Pathophysiology week 6b (1999-06-07 13:52) 1999 Caribbean cruise (1999-06-15 21:33) Structure and Function of the Human Body week 7 (1999-06-21 14:25).
EDIT: new version Now with all of the options you could shake a stick at exposed. Hello, the free admob packages around here all require some setup so I thought I would put this up here.
All you need to do is import the package, drag the adbanner prefab in your scene and fill in the Publisher ID variable. All credit goes to all I did was get translate it to English, put in a newer Sdk and make a prefab with some variables for your own Publisher ID and refresh rates(make sure you setup the refresh rate to what you want in unity as you cant change it from the admob console). You can download the package, there is a test scene included if you need to see how its done. Enjoy your ads. Stupid question but I drop the prefab into my game and on Android tablet the ads appear,Is it really this easy lol?
If so you are a legend do I just upload the APK to googleplay and its all good from there? Sorry to sound like a thicky lol but I seem to have seem a million posts etc to do this but yours is literally drag and drop and go,Basically if the ads appear on the Tablet its working?. Another probably stupid question( im great at these ) I know GooglePlay gets 30% of your game or app on all sales,but does admob take a cut as well or is it all part of googleplay? @ Javanoob - Yes its that simple, no one really takes a cut from your admob revenue other than admob but they don't tell you how much, i wouldn't expect much from them though (at 10,000 impressions a day I get about $2 maybe). I've actually used allot of advertising providers over the past year, I'm yet to find anyone that pays much for Banner ads. If you need any help deciding you can feel free to Pm me. @ Jawad - have you set it to build for Android?
Or iOS if your using that. If you try to build for any other platform it will fail. @ Grespon - It should work on iOS but I have never tested it (and don't have an iphone to test it at the moment) its a long shot but you could try adding AdSupport.framework in Xcode, if you select the target on the right there is link binaries and libraries, press the + button and add that in. Thanks CB,I hear a lot about 'free with ads' being the best way to make money from a game as opposed to actually selling it,what in your view is the best way to monetize a game or app please? And is it just admob that kills the game in progress if I press the ad button,or is there a way of the game still carrying on?
I am a little lost suddenly hearing about android games making millions of dollars like angry birds etc then other people are saying you will be lucky to earn anything at all,I know it depends on the game quality obviously but which is the best way to go? Angry Birds on Android + admob = $1 million a month, source I guess that answers my question lol One more thing Can you put 3 identical games on GooglePlay seperately ie Free with ads,paid no ads,and free with in game level purchases? The best way to monetize apps (that I have found based on around 6 games and some basic apps): Ads - There okay if you have a lot of traffic (like angry birds), though there are a few things that can help you if you don't have millions of people playing your game: Ad walls - I use Appbrain for this(they have a unity plugin), and then tend to use the revenue generated back into promoting my app, it doesn't make much but it will still probably be more than admob for low traffic apps There are others that do the same so you can check them out if you like. Banner ads - basically what admob is providing, you will need so many clicks to make anything, I was originally using Mobclix but they decided they didnt actually want to pay me (seriously never use them). Popups/Interstential - These are great but be careful not to annoy people, I use popups in areas where people aren't actually playing, like upgrade menus. I also have them come up when you open the app (but not if its the first time They have played the game). I use Heyzap for this, and i also use them for leaderboards and achievement's.
Link to heyzap ( and they have awesome support). Freemium - Having your base game for free and then having in-app purchases to either upgrade the game (remove ads, add levels) or add purchasable consumables or extra items. This can be a great way of doing things, but if your adding in stuff that effects game play try and get it balanced so people have an incentive to purchase an item, but know that they don't have too. I did have a go at this on Amazon with one of my apps but found that just selling a full game and a free game was more effective. For 3 months i used the freemium model and then switched to a paid and free model, with the free and paid i made 36% more revenue(although there could be other things effecting sales during the periods so don't take this as 100% proof its more effective, it also varies dependant on what kind of app your selling).
Paid App - This is actually what makes me the most money and I find people get caught up in the complexity of trying to get people to but in app items and click on ads when sometimes people just want a full game. Theres also an added bonus of its much easier to get into the top of the top new section in Google with a paid app than a free app. That should just about do it for that question You can add as many of the same game on Google as you like, normally the free version and the free with in game level purchase would be the same app.
One last note, Google market sucks for trying to get popular, there's loads of competition, no keyword search and no just in section any more. My best revenue sources are: Amazon app market - I was sceptical at first, but the thing we should remember is Amazons customers on kindles are used to buying books, so they seem much more open to paying for things. Apple app store - Similar to amazon, the people using Iphones and Ipads just don't mind spending money. Heyzap and Appbrain ads - I covered these above. Google play - When my app was in the top new section it was actually pretty good, as soon as it left that it dropped to very little, although I get a lot of free app downloads I hardly get any conversions to pay, this is probably the best market for ads/freemium as everyone seems to expect everything to be free ( I actually get negative reviews on the free one complaining some features are only available in the paid version). If you have any more questions you can add me on Skype at majorsolard(at) or Pm me but it may take a while to respond to Pm's Apologies for the bad grammar and formatting, I have a pretty big workload today so I'm rushing a bit. The script your mentioning (AdvertisementManager.cs) isnt from my plugin.
I'm guessing you tried to use another plugin before mine and it still has some items from that in there. Delete that script and make sure your importing not someone else's. The assets from mine are: AdmobBanner - folder: adbanner (prefab) AdmobBanner(script) AdmobTestScene(scene) Plugins - folder AdBannerObserver (script) Android - subfolder AdMobPlugin (jarfile) AndroidManifest (manifest) GoogleAdMobAdsSdk - 6.2.1 (Jar) Those are the only things form my package.
Just drag AdBanner into your scene and fill in your publisher id on it, then your done. The plugin is all openable in Ant so you can take a stab at it yourself if your feeling brave, although I will have a look into exposing the options to include the ability to change the position unity for you as soon as I can. At the moment it is only possible when using iOS. There is another plugin that's free and has these options although it does require a little setting up. Edit: it looks like that other plugin is also just drop and go(I swear when I originally posted this plugin the other one was more complicated), so I would recommend just using that version instead of mine anyway as it has more options. It doesn't really make any sense for both of us to be working on identical free plugins. Hello, the free admob packages around here all require some setup so I thought I would put this up here.
All you need to do is import the package, drag the adbanner prefab in your scene and fill in the Publisher ID variable. All credit goes to all I did was get translate it to English, put in a newer Sdk and make a prefab with some variables for your own Publisher ID and refresh rates(make sure you setup the refresh rate to what you want in unity as you cant change it from the admob console). You can download the package, there is a test scene included if you need to see how its done. Enjoy your ads. Hey, sorry i basically abandoned this as the alternative free one is generally better, i get allot of Pm's still though so hopefully this will help you all: If you cant click on your ad, its most likely a manifest issue, take a look The plugin was made before the changes to admob, to make it work now you will need to replace the sdk to a newer version, and use the Ad unit ID from your admob console.
If you want to change the position of the ad, the only way is to open it up in ant and change the positioning there, as i said before i would expose this for you all but didn't think it was worth the time as you could just use the other plugin that allows this. Hope this helps, sorry it took so long to reply. Hello, the free admob packages around here all require some setup so I thought I would put this up here.
All you need to do is import the package, drag the adbanner prefab in your scene and fill in the Publisher ID variable. All credit goes to all I did was get translate it to English, put in a newer Sdk and make a prefab with some variables for your own Publisher ID and refresh rates(make sure you setup the refresh rate to what you want in unity as you cant change it from the admob console).
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You can download the package, there is a test scene included if you need to see how its done. Enjoy your ads. Take care, you will need to use the last google play services to keep your app accepted on the google store. I'm not sure this asset support it. My plugin will be on store soon and support banner and interstitial using latest google play services. This asset is already used in a soon commercialized game who will be in google store without problem, it's a proven quality. The asset is pending on the store, it's a question of days to be on the store.
About the click on banner it's a question of AndroidManifest.xml, my plugin handle that for you.